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Looking for Support on Your Spiritual Journey?

You don’t have to do it alone.

5 min readJun 25, 2022


If you’ve been following me for any length of time you’re aware that I’ve been in a period of transition for quite a while now.

I’ve been sitting on several ideas and partially-completed projects because I’ve been committed to a vision that I felt deeply intuitively guided towards.

However, we have to be able to pivot, right? We have to be able to let things go. I don’t think I’ve been misguided, but plans change, and we change with them.

To that end, I feel in my soul that it’s time to move forward with the wonderful things I’ve had on the back burner for so long. I’m excited to share them with you!

I’ve been building a foundation for a community. One that’s heart-centered and soul-guided, one that offers practical tools for navigating spiritual awakening. I’d like to tell you a bit about it and then offer you a few ways to stay connected if you’re interested.

I’m committed to providing comprehensive support to those seeking guidance on their spiritual awakening journeys. I want to empower others to find greater peace, purpose, and prosperity. The SoulGuided Community is unique in a few ways.

Here are the four pillars that inform our practice:

Free of Spiritual Dogma

The community is not based on any one religion, spiritual practice, or tradition. Instead, we are syncretic in our approach, offering experiential knowledge and incorporating tools from various schools of thought to provide dynamic support.

We give people space to grow on their personal journey without the pressure of conforming to spiritual dogma. We recognize that everyone’s path looks different and we encourage the exploration of different methodologies. We encourage curiosity. We just also encourage consistency with whatever methods feel most aligned for you.

Helping Regular People

A large number of spiritual teachers come from decades steeped in traditional spiritual practice, such as Yoga or Buddhism (think Sadguru, Adyashanti). That’s great, but, more and more these days, people are having spiritual awakenings with no background in any religion or tradition. And they don’t necessarily care to take one up.

They’re not feeling drawn to isolate or join the monkhood, either.
They’re “regular people” who are suddenly and jarringly thrown into awareness.

This is beautiful, but it also means there are many more “regular people” without concrete support or guidance on their journey. SoulGuided is for people seeking ways to stay in their “regular” lives while they navigate their spiritual awakening.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Grounding the Spiritual into the Mundane

One of the problems we’ve encountered over and over again in spiritual communities is the separation of the spiritual from the mundane. People leave home for a retreat or drink Ayahuasca to escape their minds and have a spiritual experience. They seek enlightenment. They run from their humanity.

There’s nothing wrong with spiritual experiences or with wanting to have them. The problem is that sooner or later, we have to return to the body and our everyday lives.

Instead of chasing the supernatural, we’re encouraging you to reframe and ground. Human is Spirit. Form is consciousness. Awakening isn’t special; it’s our natural state. We are spiritual beings and that is the most mundane thing in the world.

To that end, we teach…

Practical Spirituality

Through education, close mentorship, and group accountability, we help those on a spiritual journey integrate this new awareness into their everyday life. We call this Practical Spirituality because it’s about learning ways to bring our spirituality into balance with the necessary practicalities of life.

There is a way to be spiritual while we’re walking the dog or washing the laundry. There is a way to reconnect to our day-to-day lives without feeling it to be somehow hollow and insignificant (as many can feel, with this sudden new awareness overlaying it all).

Furthermore, there are ways we need to relearn to engage with people and situations in our lives after an awakening. These lessons will be learned, regardless, but SoulGuided’s pillar of Practical Spirituality can teach people how to do this with greater ease.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Get Involved!

As of now, I’m finalizing the details of the first course we’ll offer, which is SoulGuided Relationships. This multi-step course will help you learn how to better relate to others during your spiritual awakening journey.

What do I mean? Well, having been through it myself, I know how difficult it is to be going through an awakening and still have to maintain relationships with family, old friends, and coworkers. These people have no frame of reference for what you're going through.

You’re changing, evolving, and this can trigger a lot for them: frustration, confusion, and anger, for example. How do we manage that? How do we find closeness with our partners, now that our worldview is so drastically different? How do we handle family expectations? How do we keep our relationships harmonious while we’re going through something so destabilizing?

This course helps you tackle all of that. If you’re interested, sign up for our email list for more details and be the first to know when it drops!

Also! While that’s being finalized, I’ve started offering tarot readings and astrology readings here. I use these tools intuitively, not as prescriptions or premonitions, but as insight into your soul’s potential.

They help me determine what could be causing blocks in your soul’s evolution and what might aid you in your growth. It’s all about self-awareness and taking agency so you can create the life you want to live. It would be an honor to help you do that in any way I can.

I’m really very excited about all of this and I know that the ways we’re able to serve you will only expand with time. I hope you’ll join what is soon to be a global community of awakening souls as we seek to build a world less driven by fear and separation and more driven by love and unity.

In case you missed those links, you can sign up for our email list here and check out those other offerings here! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to drop them below.




Deep Diving into Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Philosophy, Astrology, and Soul Connections