I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to say here. Are you saying that because traditional astrologers don’t use the term “soul connection” astrology can’t be used as a tool to help identify them? If so, first I’d say I know of a number if astrologers who very much ascribe to the concept of the soul, to astrology as a tool to better understand our soul’s path (this is called evolutionary astrology) AND to its usefulness as a tool to describe and predict certain dynamics of a relationship. Furthermore, many do believe in past lives, past life connections, and souls that we have stronger ties to.
But all that aside, it ultimately doesn’t matter to me who does or doesn’t believe astrology can be used this way. This piece is for the people who do find it useful. And if it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s fine. Simply, let it go, love. If it doesn’t resonate it’s not for you.
Please don’t let anything I’ve said here take away your sovereignty or your peace of mind. You are a powerful intuitive being. That should always be your first touchpoint for truth.