2 min readAug 24, 2023


Hi Yesha,

Thank you so much for being here and for sharing your story. I totally understand how difficult it can be to still feel tied into this connection, despite the intention to move forward with your life.

I wish I had a cleaner solution for you than what I am about to offer. However, in my experience, if your connection is genuinely a twin flame connection, there is no breaking that energetic tie. That's because, in truth, it's not a "chord", as it would be perhaps with a soul tie. Twin flames are the same energy. They are inextricably intertwined at the energetic level. If this is a twin flame, you don't exist as your own entity.

I don't say that to encourage co-dependency, I say it because I think it's very important, when dealing with these connections, to deal with the REALITY of what it is energetically and the consequences it has in our day-to-day lives.

I understand being tired -- it is, at times, exhausting. I understand wanting to be free of his emotional overflow and energy. I have incredible compassion for what you're going through because I've moved through the very same. But, the truth is -- IF this is a twin flame connection -- you do not exist at the energetic level separate from your twin. Acceptance of that, surrender to that truth, is going to bring greater peace than running from it.

Once that is accepted, you can move forward with balancing and neutralizing the energy between you and your twin through things like yoga, meditation, breathwork, energy cleansing, bodywork, etc. It's a careful balance of acknowledgment of the energy, enough to balance it, but not getting sucked into a vortex of pain as a result of separation. With enough practice, this kind of balanced detachment becomes easier.

If this is your twin, you will always feel them. They are you. Freedom, therefore, doesn't come from running AWAY and pushing to get distance, it comes from making peace with what is. Surrender. Acceptance. And Balancing the energetics, regardless of what's happening in the 3D, which is not easy. But it is possible. I've written about it in detail, in my piece about "How to Detach from Your Twin Flame" I know this may not be what you wanted to hear, but I hope it is helpful. <3 Sending love on your journey.




Deep Diving into Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Philosophy, Astrology, and Soul Connections