Hi! Thank you for reading! I think the best way to tell is some of the things I’ve noted here. For example, the split souls do generally stay in more frequent contact with one another as they work out their healing. So, separations between them generally won’t be longer than a good couple months. The contact itself could be as simple as a ig message or a like on a photo. Doesn’t matter. As long as it’s being reciprocated in some way, it’s contact. And they just tend to need that energetic exchange more frequently to keep momentum in their healing (that’s the spiritual lens of it). That’s because they’re unraveling 3D paradigms of relationship, like codependency and generational trauma.
Monads, in contrast, tend to have no-contact separations that last years (or have met a number of catalysts/karmics before meeting so that they have already cleared a lot of what needs clearing before they meet). Much of the work they’re doing is in high level energetic planes. So, when they’re healing, it’s not as grounded in day-to-day interactions. And so much of the “communication” between monads is, again, highly energetic; their work is clearing everything in the way of their ability to manifest and maintain the 3rd energy that’s born from their union.
Split souls aren’t creating or nurturing a 3rd joined divine energy. Because Remember, split souls are one soul incarnate. All you need to do to be “one” with your counterpart as a split soul is align with your higher self consistently; there they are because you share the same astral body.
Monads have to clear so much karma to purify their systems enough to align their chakra systems (energetic union first!) and then balance enough that they aren’t constantly polarizing, so they magnetize each other in.
I know it sounds like gobble-Dee-gook lol 😂 but that’s the best distinction I’ve found. I know it’s very fine, but that’s the nature of twin flames, that there is so much more similar in the experience than there is different. It’s only when you get into the energetics that it’s different.
I’d say though that if monad stuff feels in any way confusing or complicated or weird, and you just don’t resonate with the explanations, you’re likely a split soul twin. And most incarnate twins are, by the way, in my experience. Because from some of what I’ve read, a soul splitting isn’t uncommon, it’s simply that they didn’t used to meet each other- the halves. Souls will often do this to learn more lessons more quickly.
It takes many more incarnations and learning experience to be ready to meet your monadic twin. They’re the closest you get to being back in the primordial womb y’know? Lol it’s what you were at your souls inception. Union with them (and your wider monadic soul group) is what you achieve before you unify back with your oversoul, I’d imagine. Basically, final incarnation stuff.
If you feel like an incredibly ancient soul-just generally unmoved by this life after your awakening. And the thing that brings you any sense of destabilization or aliveness is your twin, It’s a good sign you’re a monadic twin.
And to your second question, I’d say no. Your split soul connection doesn’t “ascend”. It’s not a status. It’s an energetic foundational reality. If you’re a monadic twin, your soul is already whole. You’re not split.
But! It is possible to meet your split soul and THEN meet another soul who you resonate with as your same soul frequency, and they could feasibly be your monadic twin or one half of the soul of your monadic twin (if your monadic twin also incarnated in two bodies in this lifetime).
But this is incredibly unlikely. Why? Monads meet as whole souls for the ultimate goal of union and grounding 3rd energy. Meeting your monadic twin as a split soul would be useless, because your energy is fragmented and therefore cannot come into union. The universe is ever expanding and evolving towards unity consciousness. Meeting your monadic twin as a split soul is a waste of time and energy.
It’s MUCH more likely that if you’re a split soul twin and you meet another soul after that resonates as the same soul frequency, they are a monadic soulmate. A soul from your (&your twin’s, because remember you are ONE soul) closest soul family. And that soulmate is the highest level connection you’d meet in this lifetime.