Chantell! Thank you SO SO MUCH for sharing your story with me!!!! You are why I write. You are why I’m here. ❤️ You’re so right that these journeys are incredibly complex and the energy is powerful. It does pull at you. All the more when you try to detach. I don’t think that seeking out information is chasing, but I do think that any attention to this kind of connection feeds the flame, so to speak. 😅 It’s so magnetic. So, whenever you invest any energy into the dynamic, there will be a reaction. And if there’s balance on both sides, maybe the reaction is balanced. But if there isn’t, running and chasing (or that natural attraction and revulsion of twin flame energetics -which I’ve written about) will occur until balance has been achieved. It’s a natural and often necessary part of the journey. I definitely wouldn’t judge yourself for being pulled in or wanting to understand. It’s a natural inclination. Surrender happens more and more.
But lately I have acknowledged that there will always be times when I’m drawn to him, and I do better at staying grounded in the present when I allow myself brief moments of reprieve to connect with his energy. You’re right that there are parts of this path that you will find completely unique to your journey.
But I’m glad I could offer you some solace and a safe place to land. Feel free to chat anytime you like. Or email me. I love talking about these connections. Thanks for being here!