2 min readApr 26, 2024


Ahhh, I see! I agree with you that there is a kind of Wounded Feminine templating which is codependent and/or enmeshed, and that many DFs on this twin flame path are unraveling those kinds of karmic patterns -- learning, as you said, to be independent, to find self-worth and self-support. I agree that this wasn't my karma with my twin (though I did deal with some family enmeshment) -- it wasn't what I took on.

I also agree that some of the things I WAS healing can be seen through the Wounded Masculine template -- that of logic-based belief, over-action, needing control, and resisting surrender.

However, my DM struggled with similar things. He did have codependent aspects to heal before we ever met one another, but he also is incredibly logic-based. Like control. Etc.

While I do feel many twin flames (particularly those that are one soul split -- metaphysically just one soul that separated before incarnation) have a very blatant split in how they embody these polarities, I feel that some (monadic twins, and perhaps some others) embody these energies in ways that aren't so black and white.

Personally, I deeply resonate with Divine Feminine energy, as yes, my path has been about learning to find power in that and leaning ALL the way in -- trusting my intuition over all else, learning to surrender to this journey and step out on faith. Learning to wait and listen, and receive. And my counterpart has been working on activating that Masculine fire -- finding inner confidence and strength, inspired action, holding space for his feelings and process of growth -- being the container. The latter is something that many would ascribe to the feminine, but is very conscious Divine Masculine quality.

So we have, perhaps, started both in more wounded opposite energies, me in (predominantly) wounded masculine, him in (predominantly) wounded feminine (codependency, enmeshment, over-giving, not caring for himself) but we've both been shifting towards our aligned Divine polarities (me into DF and him into DM).

There are some twins, also, who may feel lesser polarity within their dynamic. More balance between them. This is all really interesting to me.





Deep Diving into Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Philosophy, Astrology, and Soul Connections

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